Laurel Skin
Laurel Skin is formulated with impeccably sourced, highly vibrant whole plants picked at their peak for unmatched transparency, purity and results. Laurel, the founder believes in the power of the land and slow farmed beauty.
Laurel Skin products were created out of a love for the Earth, a love for our skin and bodies, and a love for the science within the plants, flowers, and herbs all around us. The purity and integrity of Laurel's ingredients are what make the formulas so effective. Plants are the strongest anti-aging tools we have. Their abilities are not harnessed by dissecting them, diluting them, refining them with chemicals, or growing and producing their ‘extracts’ in masses – their power is in their purity.
Laurel's exclusive partnerships with local artisan farmers ensure the highest quality, resulting in potent, pure and highly effective formulas. Our Faves: Recovery Balm, Unburden Serum and Hydrating Elixir I.